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Personal information

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Billing information

Fill in your billing information here.









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Check your details and credentials here.

Billing information
Chamber of Commerce number: {{s365_customer.chamberOfCommerceNumber}}
t.a.v. {{s365_customer.firstName}} {{s365_customer.lastName}}
{{s365_customer.addresses[0].postalCode}} {{s365_customer.addresses[0].city}}
IBAN: {{s365_customer.bankDetails.iban}}
E-mail: {{s365_customer.mailAddresses[0].address}}
Phone: {{s365_customer.phoneNumbers[0].phone}}
{{priceline.description}} {{priceline.netAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}
Total excl. VAT {{price.totalNetAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}
VAT {{price.totalGrossAmount - price.totalNetAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}
Total including VAT {{price.totalGrossAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}

The deposit will be returned within 10 days after the ending date to the bank account known by us.

€ 0,00 PM


{{unit.surface}} m²
{{unit.reserve365Data.unit.persons}} persons
{{fromDateTime | amDateFormat: 'dddd, D-M-YYYY'}}, {{fromDateTime | amDateFormat: 'HH:mm'}} - {{endDateTime | amDateFormat: 'HH:mm'}}
Location: {{}}
Starting date: {{fromDate | amDateFormat: 'dddd, D-M-YYYY'}}
Ending date: {{endDate | amDateFormat: 'dddd, D-M-YYYY'}}
Contract: {{directusTranslation(s365_contractType.reserve365Data.contractTypeTranslations,'name',directusLang(lang))}} {{directusTranslation(s365_contractType.reserve365Data.contractTypeTranslations,'description',directusLang(lang))}}
Days: {{day.label['en']}}  
Automatically renewed until {{endDate | amDateFormat:'DD-MM-YYYY'}}
Automatically renewed (no ending date)
{{priceline.netAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}

Total excl. VAT
{{price.totalNetAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}
{{price.totalGrossAmount - price.totalNetAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}
Total including VAT
{{price.totalGrossAmount | currency:"€ ":2}}

The deposit will be returned within 10 days after the ending date to the bank account known by us.

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